
How WordPress Beat Joomla!

August 5th, 2011
Best of WordPress, WordPress Discussions

This is a Guest Post by Dan Norris. Dan might be writing more for Weblog Tools Collection in the near future. So please stay tuned.

5 years ago when I started Web Circle I did a bunch of research on which CMS to choose and decided on Joomla!.

For a year or so it was the CMS we used for pretty much every website and it was very sophisticated for what it could do at the time – particularly with the growing extensions directory. However as time went on and WordPress got better and better we gradually moved to using WordPress for most of our small business websites.

Since these days we focus predominantly on small business website design, WordPress has become the platform we use for the majority of our new sites (note we also still use Joomla!).

In 2006

In 2006 WordPress was seen mainly as a blogging tool and Joomla! was in my view the CMS with the most potential. I haven’t come across specific market share figures from the time but have a look at this Google Trends screenshot.

ABOVE: Screenshot showing 2006 Google searches – Joomla (blue) and WordPress (red)

There were some niggly things about each platform which people used to mention. The things about WordPress tended to be around it’s lack of flexibility in display, it’s focus mainly on blogging, limited menu capabilities etc. The Joomla issues were security and usability (particularly the way it separated menus and content items / articles).

So rewind to 2006, what did each platform need to do to win this race? There are a lot of complicating factors. One big one is WordPress managed to gain a huge foll0wing with it’s free hosted version – this no doubt propelled it’s uptake and spread the word particularly among DIY web builders (not so much developers).

But let’s just say the job of each system back then was pretty straight forward. Think of it like a business, you need to listen to your customers and give them what they want. So in other words, improve on the things that people don’t like about the system and make it so people do like it.

Both systems were free, both had a good market share and relatively equal potential to win this race.

Perhaps this is a simple view but let’s look at what happened.

The situation now

This chart shows Joomla! and WordPress searches over all years available.

ABOVE: Screenshot showing 2006 Google searches – Joomla! (blue) and WordPress (red)

In terms of Market Share, in the 2008 Water and Stone Open Source CMS Report Joomla! downloads were about 25% of WordPress downloads. In the 2010 report they were 11%. I’m guessing the 2011 report will show a similar trend.

Some reports show WordPress market share to be as high as 63%.

So what happened?

Let’s assume that both systems were actively going after this DIY or small business type market (it’s worth noting that Joomla! has a big uptake among Governments and Universities etc and we still use it a lot for more complicated sites). What has WordPress done since 2006 and what has Joomla! done?

First off WordPress has managed to shrug it’s blogging history by bringing out new and improved features that have made it into a great platform for non-blog type sites (growing extensions, better menu management etc). But it’s managed to do it while also winning the battle with Movable Type on the blog front – during a time where the popularity of blogging has exploded – further spreading the word to people who want a blog as part of their site or even to those who want other sites that aren’t blogs and grew to love the platform.

Joomla! on the other hand hasn’t really dealt with the issues that were common back in 2006. Note that Joomla! is an entirely community driven system which does make things challenging when competing in a space filled mostly with systems with commercial backing (like WordPress). However Joomla has improved a lot since 2006 with 2 major version releases and the uptake in some sectors like Government etc has been very good. But did they fix those niggly issues that existed back in 2006? Let’s break it down.

1. Security

The main problem with security in Joomla! is not that the system is less secure than other systems. The problem is that when new versions come out, it’s a pain in the backside to upgrade the system. First of all you don’t even really know that the system is out of date (how hard would it be to put a notification up the top like WordPress does) but secondly the process for patching Joomla! is one that a web developer has to do – and even a web developer will take a while to do it. WordPress on the other hand can all be done by the site owner with a couple of clicks.

So even with the latest version of Joomla! Small business owners who are using it find it hard to (a) know when it needs to be patched and (b) to do the patching.

And this is just with minor version releases – the major version releases are literally all over the place.

Easy solution – Here is a super easy solution that Joomla! could have implemented 5 years ago – Make sites check for the latest version and if they become out of date display a message up the top that says the site is at risk and the website owner needs to speak with their web developer to upgrade the site. This would have been a couple of lines of code. Magento does it (in fact they pop it up right in your face and force you to acknowledge it) – WordPress does it while at the same time offering a 1-click upgrade option.

Better solution – I don’t know how complicated doing the 1-click patching is, a lot of systems don’t work this way  but WordPress seem to have managed to make it work. In my experience putting this back in control of the site owner is going to reduce the amount of out of date sites by a huge margin – especially combined with the messaging above which is exactly how WordPress manages to do it (I note the new Joomla! 1.7 this functionality is available).

And with Major version releases I don’t know where to start. Do we need them? Can we not just improve something incrementally. If we do need them then I would suggest not bringing out a major version release until you have a simple upgrade path that is part of the core (not relying on 3rd party extensions) and something that steps through the process and automates it (for example files and replaces references in templates etc). No doubt this isn’t easy but major upgrades are a real thorn in Joomla!’s side.

2. Ease of use

Ease of use is a very important factor in the small business community. I’ve heard a lot of Joomla! site owners say they were looking forward to Joomla! 1.6 because the old version was hard to use. I heard the same things about 1.5 but the truth is neither release was really any easier to use than the original Joomla 1.

One of the main issues I see with the usability of Joomla! is the weird way it separates menus and pages. Small business owners see websites as comprised of pages – they always have. Joomla sees articles and sees menus as ways to link to articles. So the intuitive process for adding a page to a website you would think would be to log into the CMS, click on add a page, add the page and click Save. This would create the page and add a link to the main menu. On top of this you would need to have the ability to exclude pages from menus.

One CMS I have seen do this very well is a system called SilverStripe. How WordPress manages menus now goes close enough to re-producing this. But even after 5 years in Joomla! to create a new page you need to create an ‘Article’ (note changing the older terminology from content item to article didn’t help – as I say small business owners see them as pages). Then after creating the Article you need to go to a totally different section, find the menu that the site uses (hopefully there aren’t too many as there often are) and then create a link through to the article. And still even finding out how to link through to an article is not easy! it’s as hard as it was when I tried to do it as a web developer in 2006 for the first time and couldn’t work it out.

There are still people in the Joomla! forum asking how they can create a page.

Easy Solution – This is something I thought of 5 years ago when I first started using Joomla! that they could have easily done at any stage. Have Joomla! by default set to ‘automated menu’ mode – or at least force people to choose when they set it up. In automated menu mode there would be a top menu in the site which automatically listed very page (or article, or content item if they want to call it that). Surely this wouldn’t be that hard – even thrown in an option in the pages to not publish them in the menu. This would not impact on their ability to service larger sites because it would be a setting that could easily be turned off.

Better solution – To me the architecture of Joomla! has always been a bit strange. To me a better approach would be for the site owner to create a ‘page’ and on this page they could have the option to have a few different ‘layouts’ (it would default to the default specified by the template). Then once the page is created they could click on the various regions provided (regions would be specified in the template like they currently are) and they could choose what goes in each region. For example click the main region and enter text / HTML with an editor or choose to have it as a list of articles (and provide the ability to create these articles on the fly). And then click on the right column and add some text / HTML or choose from some inbuilt display modules.

This would effectively make Joomla! a different system but to me this is an entirely more logical way to go and it would very much support simple small business sites but could also be scaled to bigger sites like the current system can.

What is the message

To me the message in this is really clear and it’s about listening to your customers. The issues that were holding Joomla! back in 2006 are holding them back now and meanwhile WordPress have stamped out their issues and excelled at exactly those things that were problems for Joomla!

Joomla! continued improving but they didn’t improve in the areas that their customers wanted. At least not their small business customers.

WordPress listened, they didn’t want to be known as a blogging platform only – they made it easy – and they won.

What does the future hold

I really believe both systems have the potential to be prominent in the small business space moving forward. WordPress is here to stay and whether it has beaten Joomla! in this market yet it is certainly well on the way. Is it possible for Joomla! to claw back into this space and reverse the trend. For one thing the challenge now is huge.

Not only do they have to improve the things that customers want improved but that along will not be enough. That alone won’t reverse the trend against WordPress they are going to have to also innovate and come up with ways of doing things that WordPress can’t. And that is not going to be easy.

About the author: Dan Norris

Dan Norris runs Australian web design firm, A Website Designer. Dan is passionate about helping small business owners succeed online using WordPress.





  1. Dan says:

    Thanks for the post. I recently changed over my site from Joomla to WordPress. I sometimes miss the great CMS features that Joomla offers, but the Ease of Use was a major factor in making the switch. Just like your business, we now build most sites in WordPress and a few, more complex sites in Joomla.

    • Dan says:

      Hi Dan, yes I haven’t written Joomla off completely but I find it harder and harder to justify using it when my main push has always to get our clients managing their own sites and it’s so much easier with WordPress. We still use Joomla / VM for a lot of our ecommerce sites and some larger / community type sites.

  2. Brian says:

    Great analysis Dan. Any similar comparison data with Drupal or any thoughts on proprietary CRM packages that are tied to full marketing service providers like Hubspot?

    • Dan says:

      I don’t know a lot about Drupal except that every time I’ve tried to use it I’ve quickly discovered that it would be useless for our small business clients and gave up fairly quickly. The integrated commercial systems definitely have some potential. There is a certain amount of core focus you can achieve when you are building something for one particular purpose (as opposed to open source / one size fits all approaches) but again it’s not really my area of expertise since we focus on open source.

  3. Mark Biplob says:

    Hey Dan Norris….its a verry Nice post thanks!

  4. I have a very similar story about me, Joomla and WordPress. It was my platform of choice about 5 years ago when is started getting into web design, but after maybe 2 years, I was fed up of how arduous and complex it was to do the simplest of tasks, not to mention trying to teach family, friends and clients how to do it!

    WordPress have done well with their UI and have made any task simple to do, including as you say, upgrading the system. Joomla could do well to take a leaf out of WordPress’ book, but it’s got to the point now where I think WordPress has shown itself to be superior to Joomla and will continue going from strength to strength given its massive user (and contributor) base.

    • Dan says:

      Yes I think that’s possibly true. It’s almost too late for Joomla to compete with WordPress as a simple CMS. Perhaps competing against Drupal for the more complex sites will be a better approach.

  5. C says:

    I moved from Joomla to Textpattern, couldn’t be happier. I get complete sites done in 25-50% of the time, and that includes admin panel customization, like adding custom fields, customizing the admin theme, etc.

    If you’re not a PHP guru, development is MUCH easier using Textpattern’s XML-like tags. Which would you rather use, some super-heavy plugin to do events listings, or just a simple tag like ?

    The learning curve was higher at first with TXP but it has saved me thousands of dollars in development and maintenance time.

    Anyway, I was really big into Joomla but it’s mainly an enterprise product now and its huge footprint and difficult-to-customize core are just an unacceptable expense to me now.

    Also…I feel the same way about WordPress. 🙂 Good article though…

  6. C says:

    Hm, looks like my example tag was stripped by the parser. Oh well. 🙂

  7. Givesuccess says:

    OMG I tried Joomla years ago and went back to doing it all in html…lol I then found WordPress and never used anything else since. I mostly build smaller sites but I have taught kids as young as 10 to use WordPress and as old as 83. I would not even try to show anyone how to use Joomla. I give it a look over every now and then but end up giving up again on it.

    Great article!

  8. Angie says:

    The amount of money Matt Mullenweg had to work with was more than enough and then some to beat any competition that may have existed in this market. It even bought him hoards of brownnosers who like sheep line up to munch on his brown eye. Comes to show how powerful money is when there is a lot of it.

    • Givesuccess says:

      It is imo not the money that beat the heck out of Joomla it is the the product it self and the people. Matt, i am sure did not beg for peoples money. They saw the future and quality of WordPress and chose to invest in a winner. Money would matter more if we had to pay to use WordPress. I would pay to use WordPress but not Joomla. They would have to pay me to use it. I like easy and free..I have both…and as for sheep…we are cute!

    • Haters will hate.

    • Chris Cree says:

      Ironic that you’re so hostile and rude when your own site is powered by WordPress.

    • Aamir Rizwan says:

      WordPress is leading because of its quality, ease of use, large amount of free plugins and themes. There is literally a plugin for anything you can think of. Joomla is harder to use especially if you are a non-technical person. With WordPress you can focus more on content than managing site. Just my 2 cents.

  9. I think WordPress has excelled in creating a system that’s easy to use out of the box. It doesn’t take much effort to get a basic blog-like Web site up and running in WordPress. Even creating a site with a static front page and blog-like capabilities is fairly easy. Joomla has greater flexibility, but a steep learning curve.

  10. David Perednia says:

    You have hit the nail on the head. I started out with Joomla because it was labeled a CMS system. At the time WordPress was still a blogging platform.

    Over the years it seemed like starting from scratch to upgrade from one Joomla version to the next. Some Joomla version upgrades (1.1 to 1.5) have been so technical and complex that while the base system upgrade was supported by the project not all extensions were so easy to upgrade. WordPress releases do not break previous versions nor do they require administrator or programmer knowledge to upgrade.

    Despite being Open Source Joomla suffers from being a committee run project. The WordPress development is extremely open and transparent but is not encumbered by the organization.

    • Dan says:

      Yes good points, the upgrade process is definitely a problem. I just looked at their site last week to try to patch a site from 1.63 to the latest and I found that all of the 1.6 stuff had been removed and I had to search through the forums to find the patch downloads for 1.6.

  11. Tom Coburn says:

    comparing Joomla to wordpress is like comparing apples to oranges, Joomla and wordpress are two complete different pieces of software!
    Joomla is a PORTAL…which is the definition of a CMS.. wordpress is a BLOGGING PLATFORM, NOT a CMS! a portal usually has a blog and forum rolled into one, along with user profiles and all that, wordpress doesn’t even begin to compare with that.. so what is this comparison doing here?
    your comparing apples to oranges man 🙂 seriously. thats like comparing phpnuke to phpBB, two totally oppoiste pieces of software.

    • Tom Coburn says:

      now if you compared Joomla with buddypress, that would be something to read…but Joomla with wordpress? NO! least buddypress is closer to what Joomla accomplishes then wordpress does

      • gerrica101 says:

        You never seem to have anything positive to say about WordPress or anything posted on this site. Why is that?

      • Dan says:

        Regardless of what terminology you use, for a long time people have turned to Joomla! or WordPress ahead of all other platforms to build their dynamic websites. I focus on small business websites and like a lot of people, have used Joomla for this purpose for a long time.

        The point of the article was that WordPress has made the transition from blogging platform to small business CMS very well. I believe Joomla could have made a similar transition by focusing on a few simple things.

        Whether they want to be known as a CMS for smaller sites or not is another thing.

    • Chris says:

      A “portal” is the definition of a CMS? Really? No idea what that is supposed to mean but truly — they are both CMS’s.

      • Ashby says:

        I agree with Chris… Portal not best thing to say there as its completely different (and in this day in age shouldnt exist but thats a different argument).

        They are both CMS’s as they both manage content to a degree BUT! In agreeence with Tom they are 2 completely different levels of CMS’s and yes WP is a bloggin system naturally. Joomla was built (you can see this by the terminollogy used in Joomla) as a news infomation management system with user management and all that were WP was originally built as a bloggin system and made availibale so that the general public could easily with a couple of clicks have thier own blog.

        No matter how much it improves WP will always be the little smaller system and until IT makes the leep to a full blown cms such as Joomla and yes i will say it Drupal it will always be the litle guy and best suite bloggin.

  12. Great article, Dan. You hit the nail on the head about the menu system. When this was changed in 1.5, its structure made no sense whatsoever.

  13. Cheryl Allin says:

    It’s great to see someone blogging about Joomla, even if it’s less than positive. I’m a severe Joomla evangalist, it’s like my baby and I adore it.

    One point I might make is that while you don’t get a notice that you need to update Joomla – it is NOT a difficult process IMHO. You can download a zip file, ftp and unzip (either with putty or for many, via their hosting panel) and can be done in seconds.

    I do agree that the ‘takeover’ by WordPress is gigantic, but I feel it’s more about misplaced popularity – doing it because the “gurus” talk about WP all day and not about actual power, scalability or features. WordPress confounds me, I feel it’s clunky and gives me a feeling of ‘fluff’ rather than strong and capable. To each his own, as they say. I’m no hater!

    Great post, I’m glad I found your blog! Keep it up!

    • Dan says:

      Hi Cheryl thanks for the reply and the compliment. At one stage I thought about measuring the amount of clicks it took to upgrade Joomla vs WordPress. We maintain a few hundred sites and it just really struck me how hard it is to upgrade Joomla compared to WordPress when you have to do a lot of them at once. I agree it’s not necessarily difficult (especially for a web developer) but these extra steps are too much for most people – especially the average small business owner in my opinion.

  14. Ashby says:

    Joomla is still the more powerful and more flexible cms, this like articles not being automatically linked to menu just allows for more advanced customisation of the menu structure. In regards to updates 1.7 now includes automatic updating for those who need it…. Updating joomla with security releases (generally 0.0.1 type releases) is as easy as uploading the update files over top of existing and if the site is built CORRECTLY then thats it.

    Its an argument that will never be settled as it is the exact same argument as Holden vs Ford

  15. Chris says:

    Glad to hear someone went through the same process I did a few years ago when i was supporting Joomla and WordPress sites. Nowadays I never recommend Joomla and if someone insists I let them go elsewhere — not worth my time.

    It just never made sense to me nor anyone i did a site with — but all along i thought it was just me since it seemed to be so popular.

    While WordPress has its issues — it seems every few months they do something to make it better and better.

    Also people know what it is and understand it. That is a big plus when recommending it to a newbie client.

  16. Oliver says:

    Ironically, I tend to consider one of the strong points of wordpress (the frequent and quick updates) is also a liability for small businesses.

    Not all the time, and not for all companies.

    In one precise case : when a wordpress plugin grows VITAL to the company. Ecommerce plugins especially, but it can be any other one.

    That could mean that roughly once per month (security fixes) there’s going to be an update that will potentially break the plugin and force a race against time and against the axe to hack that plugin back into working order.
    For small businesses it’s a lot of pressure.

  17. Connie says:

    one of the main problems of Joomla! was the complete lack of UTF-8-support and I bet UTF-8 is still not default in the system and the extensions completely.

    I remember I once had to convert ALL Joomla!-files to UTF-8-format to get clean armenian and/or cyrillic output, what a pest!

    And if you have to edit an article, you will never find it again …

  18. Taloweb says:

    Dan your comparison is perfect: you never say in your article “WordPress is better than Joomla”, and this is true, but WordPress is fantastic, it has a low learning curve, great embedded functionalities, a big community for free and paid themes/plugins, and so on.

    I’m an developer and when I tested WP the first time I falled in love…and I started learning mySql and php. By now I use WP for every small/medium content oriented websites and Asp.Net for high personalized projects.

    If I have to find some defects to WP I have to say that I don’t like very much images/media management and I would like to see some plugin functionalities embedded in WP core: for example multi-language support or precise user rights capabilities.

    However, for small businesses, WP is the right choice.

  19. I have had a similar discussion with a colleague who makes Drupal sites. His claim is that WordPress i a “CMS for girls”. Excuse me. If “For girls” equals ease of use, tons of free plugins and possibilities. Well then I choose the girlie-solution every day. 😉

    • Rafa says:

      There’s always going to be these kind of “tough guys” that think that more complicated to use = better.

      And that is really not the case

      Kiss (Keep it simple Stupid)

  20. John Coonen says:

    Well done, and a fair critique of Joomla! Would like to have heard some constructive criticism of WordPress as well, seeing as it too has its own shortcomings, but overall, very well articulated.

    Dan, HERE is the point that hits it on the head for me:

    * * * * *

    “To me the message in this is really clear and it’s about listening to your customers. The issues that were holding Joomla! back in 2006 are holding them back now and meanwhile WordPress have stamped out their issues and excelled at exactly those things that were problems for Joomla!

    Joomla! continued improving but they didn’t improve in the areas that their customers wanted. At least not their small business customers.”

    * * * * *

    1.7 was absolutely the *best* major upgrade path. I participated on the upgrade team, and I can tell you, hundreds of hours were invested by very dedicated vol’s who all wanted to make sure the 1.6 > 1.7 upgrade would NOT be a repeat of past train-wreck upgrades. I can honestly say, the 1.7 upgrade was smooth as butter. The folks working on the project made it look easy, and the one-touch upgrade, back-end admin tools additions and modularization of Joomla Platform (#JPlatform) from Joomla CMS (and subsequent re-insertion) were very substantive improvements.

    I know the leadership team got together for a leadership summit last week, and a bright future is in store for Joomla.

    The proof will be in the pudding, however. We will SEE whether the developer-driven PLT (Programming Leadership Team) will in fact listen to to the community for subsequent updates/improvements. My hope is not a strategy, and words are just words; so we’ll see in the coming weeks and months whether actions will back up those words.

    • dnorris says:

      Hi John, thanks for your well thought out reply. I’m not giving up on Joomla as an option for my small business clients and we still use it quite a lot so some of those positive comments sound good. However I wonder whether particularly in the micro business / DIY type market the horse has bolted. I guess time will tell. Perhaps this was never Joomla’s audience anyway.

    • Dan says:

      The 1.6 to 1.7 upgrade was not a significant issue for Joomla’s reputation. The buggy, less-than-anticipated, and late release of 1.6 and the lack of a simple upgrade from 1.5 really did the main damage, to say nothing of the perpetually nasty, fairly public but cloaked enough to never be cleared out interpersonal DRAMA involved in building Joomla by committee. Mainly what gets built is committees that engage in unprofessional nonsense that’s impenetrable and offputting to most serious users looking for a long term platform to trust. Community dysfunction can be found anywhere in any band or FOSS community, but it has always really hung out in the open for Joomla.

      The maintenance and upgrade issues tied to security patching are really huge — it’s true WP is not a hands-free solution with its plugin updates, but it has handled the problem better than Joomla. We’ll see if Joomla can get on board now with its own one-click updates and if that helps.

      I don’t see anyone notin that you were very correct in your prediction about this year’s open source cms market share report. Major declines for Joomla. I found your article here looking for analysis of the causes, but I don’t see much public reaction.

  21. Jay Gilmore says:

    I’d like to point out that WordPress is a CMS (although I am contradicting things I’ve said in the past) but it is a consumer oriented software product like MS Office or Freshbooks. It is meant to be easily deployed and administered by end users. It doesn’t require any intervention by developers save for customization. It is a car you buy from a dealership that you take to a custom shop to make it unique. You can drive it, put gas in it and put fuzzy dice on it and it’s wonderful. It just works. For many customers and clients its a good fit.

    This is the reason it beat out Joomla in use and popularity. They aren’t the same type of product at all, this is a comparison of a extensible (albeit imperfect) CM platform with a consumer oriented app. The old cliché of apples to oranges comparison. A car will get you from place to place but if you need that car to be a chip wagon or a boom truck or an intermodal transport trailer, you aren’t going to start with a Ford Focus. WordPress is a Ford Focus or a Honda Civic to the vast number of things Joomla, Drupal, or MODX sites could be; an aircraft carrier, a amoured personnel vehicle with a cash bar, a power company boomtruck that shoots lasers. They’re all vehicles but very different indeed.

    Many organizations have unique needs from the get go, they need external integration with legacy authentication systems, interface with a SharePoint deployment or process sales transactions and integrate custom applications.

    All CMS organizations can learn a significant amount from the aesthetic simplicity, unity and the whole UX of WP, there are some horribly semantic and esoteric methods and terms that make these tools require massive books to use and god-forbid if the developer customizes the back end. Complicated to use and extensible should never be confused. Interfaces for users should be simple, logical and a joy to use but the power of these other systems should not be underestimated.

    • Dan says:

      This is how I’ve come to see it. I quit saying WP is not a CMS when it acquired menu system controls and custom content on the backend, but I still say Joomla has never been a CMS–though not a blog engine either.

      I have switched a lot of sites, many of them Joomla, to WP in the past 2 years and now use WP whenever “less is more” is not a major sacrifice in functionality. For example, I would supplement WP with something else or use something else entirely (possibly Joomla) for forums, member sites/advanced access rules, advanced calendars, and some ecommerce situations but WP has been steadily decreasing these exceptions. As a CMS, there is really just one thing left that’s bad about it, and that’s the fact that widgets can’t be mapped to specific pages, posts, or menu items as a core capability.

  22. If you don’t mind, I’ll give the link to the Russian translation of your article on my blog:

    It was very nice and informative read and translate really good article about this two platforms battle, especially on the background of many stupid hollywars from the people who are “not in theme” on all over the Internet.

    The next time when I’ll be asked about advantages/disadvantages of these two platforms I simply give the link to the translation of your article.

    I would also like to note that from the version 3.0 when the WordPress started to provide the taxonomy to it’s core, it has made a big step even to challenge with drupal and netcat CMFrameworks, and I believe that the only Joomla’s advantage today before WordPress – number of extension. But, as we know, this is a temporary phenomenon.

  23. John says:

    I agree with a lot of points you presented in this article. But I would also like to add a few things to it. The main reason why WordPress beat Joomla is because it offers simpler/easier user interface without bugs and things of this sort. It is also the best platform that is optimized for Search Engines. You can’t beat simplicity and ready-made platform like this.

  24. kurthzone says:

    Great read! I’ve been using Joomla since the MAMBO split and I’m about to start using WordPress exclusively. Major reason: upgrades and updates. Even though Joomla has gotten better at this it is still something that my clients feel uncomfortable doing on their own and rightfully so. Some of the sites I have done are laden with complex extensions and templates that have to be upgraded. If there is just one extension that is incompatible with the upgrade, it won’t work and has to be dealt with in time and time is money. You are correct, WordPress solved this problem. My personal opinion is Joomla is doomed. More and more developers that I interact with feel the same way. It’s too late to wake this sleeping CMS.

  25. Novak says:

    Good read, but sadly the article is now a bit outdated. It would be nice if you made a second article on this topic as Joomla has changed significantly with version 2.5.x and now the 3.0 is slowly crawling out. The mentioned security issues have been fixed plus the usability is quite straight forward. Plus if using extensions like k2 you get the option of perfect blog experience as well!

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